Last month Samsung launched two mid-ranged handsets in the form of the Galaxy A30 and the Galaxy A50. This was on the heels of a rumor that claimed that Samsung could have at least three Galaxy A handsets in the works, but so far only two have been announced leaving the Galaxy A10 up in the air for now.
It turns out that the Galaxy A30 and Galaxy A50 won't be the only Galaxy A handsets from Samsung this year. According to, they have discovered that Samsung UK has launched websites for at least three more Galaxy A models. This includes the Galaxy A20e, the Galaxy A40, and the Galaxy A90 (whose specs were recently leaked).
This means that assuming all of this information is accurate, Samsung could launch as many as six Galaxy A smartphones this year, giving its more budget-conscious shoppers a lot more options to choose from. In terms of specs, the Galaxy A20e is said to be a smaller/cheaper version of the Galaxy A20.
The Galaxy A40, on the other hand, has been rumored to come with a 6.4-inch AMOLED FHD+ display, the use of Samsung's Exynos 9610 chipset, 4GB of RAM, and will pack 64GB of onboard storage. The pages for the handsets have since been taken down and it is unclear when Samsung could officially launch them.
Samsung seems to be going pretty hard at it for 2019, where the company has not only launched four variations of its Galaxy S10 flagship including a 5G model, but are also planning on releasing its foldable smartphone in the coming months.
from Phandroid
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