The OnePlus TV will be unveiled later this month, but details of the device are slowly making their way into the wild. The latest bit of information regards the audio capabilities of the TV. According to 9to5Google, an Amazon listing for the OnePlus TV shows that it will feature a total of 8 speakers with Dolby Atmos support and a total output of 50 watts with 3-dimensional surround sound.
While most decent soundbars offer at least 100 Watt total output, most modern TVs typically have only 2 speakers with less than 20-watt audio output. On top of the extra power, the OnePlus TV will also feature "punchy bass to fill your living room," something that is sorely lacking from most TVs.
The price of the OnePlus TV is still up in the air at this point, but the company's created its reputation on delivering phenomenal devices at price points which are dramatically lower than those of its competitors. The smart TV market is pretty crowded and there are a lot of great devices which are fairly cheap, so it will be interesting to see where the OnePlus TV lands. If users won't need to spend an extra $200 on a speaker system for the TV, OnePlus could get away with charging a bit of a premium for it.
Source: 9to5Google
from Phandroid
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