Saturday, April 6, 2019

Pixel 3a confirmed as Google lists device on its Store before launch

The idea of a budget Pixel from Google has been circling for some time. With the cost of the average smartphone exceeding $1000, the Android market is seeing a rise in affordable devices from OEM's such as OnePlus and OPPO.

Google appears to be recognizing the rise of the affordable device and is expected to release the Pixel 3a and Pixel 3a XL as lower-priced versions of its flagship Pixel 3. The existence of the devices went some way to being confirmed as Google first added both to the Play Developer Console and now have made an appearance on the very public-facing Google Store.

Heading over to and clicking on the "Phone" drop-down revealed a link to the Pixel 3a, complete with associated a Pixel 3a case link.

The devices will be powered by a mid-range Snapdragon chipset, expected to be the 670 and 710 with 4GB of RAM. The Pixel 3a is set to have a 5.6-inch display, while the Pixel 3a XL will have a 6-inch display. The lowering in specs will mean the devices will be much more affordable, or at least what Google deems affordable. The Pixel 3a could see a price around the $500 mark, with a price tag of $700 for the larger model.

None of the links actually work yet but with the links being added, it could be someone hit the button too early signaling an impending launch.

Via: AndroidPolice

from Phandroid

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