Monday, June 29, 2020

Surface Duo’s leaked multitasking feature is something more devices should adopt

Microsoft is working on an upcoming Android smartphone in the form of the Surface Duo. In case you haven't heard of it, basically it is an Android device with a secondary display that can fold shut. This is not a foldable phone like the Samsung Galaxy Fold series, but more like the recent LG V-series with its secondary display accessory.

To take advantage of the secondary display, Microsoft is said to be working on several multitasking features. One of those features, according to a report from Windows Latest, is called "App Groups". Basically with App Groups, users will be able to pre-select and pair their favorite apps together.

This means that when they are launched, they will launch simultaneously on each of the displays of the phone. For example, users could pair things like Microsoft Word together with Chrome, meaning that you could launch Word with Chrome at the same time so that you can do some research while you write out your document.

Users could also launch the camera app together with an image editing app so that you can quickly edit your photos after you take them. We're not sure if there are any limitations to these groupings, but it sounds like a pretty awesome time-saving feature that hopefully more devices will be adopting in the future.

The Microsoft Surface Duo is an interesting device and based on videos we've seen of its UI, it will come with some unique ways of interacting with it. The handset is currently scheduled for a release later this year, but its specs are a bit worrying as last we checked, it was still running on 2019 hardware, so fingers-crossed that Microsoft decides to give it an upgrade to make it more relevant.

Source: Windows Latest

from Phandroid

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