Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Motorola to return to glory by making flagship phones again

In the early days of the smartphone race, Motorola was one of the big name players in the game where the company pushed out many impressive flagships. In recent years, that has changed following Lenovo acquiring the company, where the company's focus seemed more towards the mid-ranged and lower-end spectrum

That is expected to change in 2020 because during Qualcomm's Snapdragon Summit, Motorola took to the stage where they hinted that come next year, we can start looking forward to flagship Motorola phones again. We're not sure what kind of phones we might be able to expect, but it sounds like Motorola is ready to get themselves into the game again.

The company's latest smartphone came in the form of the Motorola RAZR, a smartphone whose design is a throwback to the class Motorola RAZR, except with a modern twist in the form of a foldable display on the inside. Motorola states that the launch of the RAZR is a sign of the company returning to premium smartphones, and if that's a taste of what's to come, color us excited for 2020.

The company is expected to make some kind of announcement in the early part of next year, so there is a good chance we could see something announced at either CES or MWC, so be sure to tune in then for more updates.

Source: Android Police

from Phandroid

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